The brainchild of Craig Newmark, Craigslist began in 1995 as a way to create online classified ads for jobs and services in local communities. It’s now a worldwide phenomenon with the same “local services” feel for its users.
If you’re new to Craigslist, take a few minutes to read the general information in tabs along the left side, particularly the sections Avoid Scams and Your Safety.
Craigslist Shopping Tip: The number one advice for avoiding scams on Craigslist is “deal locally.” If you can't meet the seller in person and examine the item before you buy it, don't buy it. And never pay for any item on Craigslist with a money order, Western Union or a personal check because you have no way to get a refund or reverse the charges if you have a problem.
Craigslist Shopping Tip: The number one advice for avoiding scams on Craigslist is “deal locally.” If you can't meet the seller in person and examine the item before you buy it, don't buy it. And never pay for any item on Craigslist with a money order, Western Union or a personal check because you have no way to get a refund or reverse the charges if you have a problem.
The point of shopping on Craigslist is to give you a way to search in the city nearest you. By making the local connection, you can complete the transaction in person.
To find the Craigslist for your area, search for the closest large city.
The format of Craigslist is different than eBay, so you get only what the seller tells you. There's no guarantee. Never buy or make a financial commitment until you know what you’re buying.
Unlike eBay, which has a buyer protection plan, Craigslist is like the local newspaper - merely making the information available with no responsibility in the transaction.
From the local pages, you can find computer parts and repairs. The advantage of Craigslist is that you can find nearby items to save postage or travel. Look under the category “For Sale,” and then “Computers.”
This is a broad category that you have to scroll around to separate computer sales from computer parts for sale. The listings are organized by date, not item type, so it takes longer to find what you want on Craigslist than on eBay.
For example, here’s one posting: “Many Computer Parts Cheap.” The listing detail merely says that parts are available in the lot or separately for desktops, monitors and keyboards.
The listing gives the city, posting id number and local phone or a link to email. You still have to take the time to find out exactly what kind of parts they have and whether any of this is useful for your computer.
Parts shopping on Craigslist can be time consuming. Maybe you just want to find someone to fix your laptop or computer and let that person search for parts. Search the sub-category, “Services,” and then click on “Computer.”
You’ll get more listings of individuals and companies that offer repair services. These are still listed by dates, not category, so you have to scroll around to find what you want. Craigslist gives local sources for parts, but the clumsy search options are time consuming and you still might not find what you need.
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